frequently asked questions
TrustFundMe is a platform that turns financial knowledge into action which generates Money-Confidence™ which comes from an organized, self-sustaining, and clear path/plan to financial security and wealth
Unlike other offerings, TrustFundMe seeks to change your mindset (how you think), your habits (what you do), your systems (how you do them) and your environment (what shapes your choices), without which all the financial literacy in the world won’t lead to greater wealth or financial freedom
There are thousands of financial literacy programs yet…
Currently, an entire generation is on track to build less wealth than the previous one for the first time in American history
○Supports TrustFundMe mission by centering Account Holders needs over commerce
CDFI banks are federally insured and regulated depository institutions with a primary mission of community development. What distinguishes CDFI banks from other financial institutions is their community development mission and the requirement that at least 60 percent of their financing activities be targeted to one or more low- and moderate- income (LMI) populations or underserved communities. The requirement of being accountable to their target market(s) is usually fulfilled by community representation on boards of directors or advisory boards.
Approximately 50 percent of CDFI banks are Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs).